AED’s or ‘Automated External Defibrillators’ are potentially life-saving tools which can help in the unlikely situation someone goes into sudden cardiac arrest. It works by sending an electric shock to the heart with the aim to restore a normal rhythm.
With workers spending on average 8 hours a day at work, in a working day, employees need to be responsible for the safety of their employees for over half the time they’re awake. One aspect of this, which can often be overlooked, is providing an AED. In the terrible instance that someone goes into cardiac arrest, without an AED it can be hard to restore a normal heart rhythm and it drastically decreases the chances of survival. If an AED device isn’t available, the odds of survival are typically to less than 20%
The brilliant thing about AED’s, unlike when you perform CPR, is that training employees isn’t necessary. This means that anyone who happens to be at hand (even with no medical experience or first-aid training) could potentially help save someone’s life and improve survival odds significantly. A fully automatic AED is designed to be used by anyone and is commonly equipped with an automated system and voice instructions that will help the user through the process.
A public access defibrillator is even more significant when your office space is located some distance away from hospitals, the ambulance service or emergency support. They then provide a quick solution that could save lives before emergency help arrives. This same idea applies to tall buildings which may restrict how quickly aid may be able to access a patient.
At Tanshire Business Park we’ve taken a number of important steps to ensure our tenants and their employees get to work and spend their time here in the safest environment possible. Most recently of these steps is installing a new automated external defibrillator unit in the centre of the business park (to maximise accessibility to all of our tenants). The new defibrillator is located on the external wall of the site’s Pavilion Café.
We’re always looking for new ways to improve the park and the overall experience for our tenants, whether it’s safety measures, new showering facilities, modern meeting rooms or eco-friendly office spaces. If you’re interested in finding out more about Tanshire Business Park and the facilities available to tenants, learn more about Tanshire Business Park here.
If you have any thoughts or suggestions on how we can improve further please do get in contact with the team.
Tanshire Management Ltd
Shackleford Road
Jonathan Meier :
07841 397151
Frances McKinneley :
07881 788263
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